Monday, May 6, 2013

Update 5-6-2013 Round Two

My time at home flew by so fast I didn't keep up with the writing!  At home, the first couple weeks were challenging in learning to cook differently and time the supplements just right. The pain has been gradually lessening with time.  Nathan helped me find good subject matter for laughter therapy.  I discovered that laughing is a wonderful way to eliminate or at least reduce pain.  George Burns and Gracie Allen proved wonderfully analgesic!

The second week of chemo I started getting a little neuropathy in the ends of my fingers and toes.  It went away on my week off the chemo.  Now, I am into my fourth week of taking the chemo and the burning sensation has gotten progressively worse. It is good to be here, though, and get a fast response from the doctor!  (We are at Oasis of Hope Hospital for another week of treatment.) The doctor cut my chemo dose in half.  I am praying that helps.  I was doing really well with the walking!  Now, well, walking is a little more challenging. I put my feet on ice to cool the burning!

At home, I gradually built up my strength, till the smaller children had to work to keep up on walks!
 I could almost out walk Adam!  One day, he took his turn "walking with Mommy" and when I asked him if he was getting tired his response gave me pause!

He said, "My legs isn't tired, Mommy. They just follow my feet!"  Hmmm......?

Ah, exercise and laughter therapy, in one small package!

Today, they gave me the Detox therapy, minus the Cup of Joe!  Every cloud has its silver lining!
I stayed in and put my feet up, hoping rest would improve their disposition.  It didn't!  The ice is nice, though.  Tomorrow, we start the whole regimen of ozone, UV light, Vit. C and Laetrile.  Oxidative therapy to the max!  Praying it does its job well!


  1. Brenda, heard of your illness from Lori. Keep your faith strong and we too will be praying for you!!!

  2. Yes, I spoke with Ed too. Remember we love you and we are all praying!
